Monday, August 20, 2007

School, haircuts, and a boppy

Well, Jaydon started school. This is his first full week, and he is having a blast! We have been working on writing his name and he is doing better than he was. He'll actually do it for me now! Today in school they learned about recognizing circles. He did awesome! Carson is doing good, too. He enjoys going with me to take Jaydon to the bus stop, and then going with me to get Jaydon off the bus. This afternoon we waited for the bus for 20 mins (it was 15 mins late) and I think we both got a little too much sun. It was 102 degrees outside. I'm going to start doing a little "preschool" time with Carson here in the next couple days. I think he would really enjoy it. Kelcey is doing great. We finally finished the boppy. (LOL - This boppy was supposed to be done 3 years ago when I had Carson) Kelcey is enjoying it. She loves to sit up with the support. She also likes to grab at things and has done a couple face plants into the floor.

I bought a hair cutting kit at walmart. Its color coded, so its ALMOST impossible to make a mistake. I cut the boys hair the day before Jaydon started school... atleast it turned out good!

Things are going alright- I have been going through a rough spot with the deployment. I have been reading my scriptures more and praying like I have never prayed before it seems. My kids are great, but they do get on my nerves. I have been learning a lot of things from the scriptures! They're wonderful tools.

It seems that I Never have a moment to myself. EVEN when I'm sleeping! Carson has made it a habit to come into my room sometime after midnight and sleep in my bed. I need to break him of it, but I figure hes having a hard time with his dad being gone. Jaydon hasnt come to sleep in my room since he started school, so I hope that it'll stay that way... But I know the whole deployment thing has been rough on him, too. Anyways, I hope everybody is doing good.. Talk to you all soon!

Miss Kelcey with her boppy in the background.

I was tickling him, and he was trying not to laugh..
He got a good haircut, too!

Hes a wonderful boy. His hair cut was good, too!


Unknown said...

awww my kids are the beutifulest turds in the whole world. Hang in there Babe, I love YOU!!!

Katie said...

I'm sorry Joe is deployed! I remember Tim's deployment and I was so depressed for 6 months. I cried a lot, too. And I didn't even have any kids!! Hang in there!