Friday, April 4, 2008


Well, Joe was supposed to get a new windshield on his car yesterday… Too bad he made the appointment in Anchorage… and he had just gotten back to the Valley. Anyways, he’s getting that taken care of tomorrow. I think the car deserves it… after being Shot (long story) and getting a gigantic rock spit at it by a semi.. It’s about time for a new one! So, since that plan didn’t work out we took my van into Midas to get the transmission fluid flushed, the oil changed.. And for them to check the brakes…again.

The fluid got flushed.. The Oil got changed… The brakes were fine. Let me expound….

Before we left Colorado Springs we took the car in and they replaced the brake pads. They said the squeaking would take up to 2000 miles to go away. We went over 3000 miles.. They were STILL squeaking. BAD. So we took it in to the shop in St. George. They said that one of the rotors in the front was rough and there wasn’t enough there to shave off… but the brakes were.. FINE.

Okay.. We take in to the shop here in Wasilla.. (all work and services mentioned was provided at Midas.) They do the work.. Brakes are fine, TIRES NEED TO BE CHANGED. They said that the tires were the cause of all the squeakiness and that they were now bad. My tires weren’t that told.. Haven’t even gone 40,000 miles on them.. We had them only 2 years.. THEY’RE BAD??? OHH and the Alignment is off!

We got the new tires. It’s a much smoother ride with the alignment fixed. Tires are… good. Brakes STILL SQUEAK. It bugs me.. But I think it’ll be alright- I wasn’t expecting to have to go out and buy new tires. I was more or less expecting to have to buy new rotors. We’ll see what happens in the coming months.. if I actually DO need the rotors! I just hope that squeak goes away, but after 9 months of having them squeak, I’m ready for it to be done with. Good Grief.

Anyways, I'm good now.. I'm done with my venting!


mikensi said...

maybe you will have needed those new tires for a reason.. ya know? like, i drove to ut from vegas and we got 2 flat tires on the way up. but, on the way down, we had good new tires for the blizzard we had to go through to get back to vegas. i donno.. but i hate having to pay for things.

mikensi said...

and i'm sorry your brakes still squeak!